School District
Revelstoke (19)
Foundation Skills Assessment
The Foundation Skills Assessment (FSA) is a set of literacy and numeracy component administered each year to students in grades 4 and 7. A re-designed occurred in the 2021/22 school year, previous categories reading and writing are now combined into literacy . The FSA is a valuable indicator of where individual students might have challenges in reading, writing and numeracy and can be used to help plan their education. It also provides a snapshot of how our education system is meeting the needs of students in these key areas.
For a more complete set including additional years and subpopulations view the open data for FSA
Typical range across B.C. (middle 50% of school districts)
Selected school district's most recent results (2023/2024)
Range of school district's results over time (2017/18 - 2023/2024)