School District
New Westminster (40)
The following is the most up to date contact information available for District Leadership, Board leaders,
and the relevant Members of the Legislative Assembly for each School District.
Key contacts
Position | Name | Phone | Mobile | |
Associate Superintendent | Geraldine Lawlor | 604-517-6160 | glawlor@sd40.bc.ca | |
Board Chair | Maya Russell | 604-351-2653 | mrussell@sd40.bc.ca | |
Director of Instruction, Secondary Programs | Pam Craven | 604-517-6122 | pcraven@sd40.bc.ca | |
District Vice-Principal For Indigenous Education | Connie Swan | 604-220-6140 | cswan@sd40.bc.ca | |
Manager of International Education | Trevor Gee | 604-517-6279 | tgee@sd40.bc.ca | |
Manager, Early Learning And Child Care | Ileana Neilson | 604-517-6398 | ineilson@sd40.bc.ca | |
Registration and Clerical Manager | Leslie Nichol | 604-517-6007 | lnichol@sd40.bc.ca | |
Secretary Treasurer | Bettina Ketcham | 604-517-6312 | bketcham@sd40.bc.ca | |
Secretary-Treasurer | Bettina Ketcham | 604-517-6312 | bketcham@sd40.bc.ca | |
Superintendent Of Schools | Mark Davidson | 604-517-6328 | mdavidson@sd40.bc.ca | |
MLA | Hon. Jennifer Whiteside (New Westminster) Minister of Mental Health and Addictions | |||
Trustee | Cheryl Sluis | |||
Trustee | Danielle Connelly | |||
Trustee | Elliott Slinn | |||
Trustee | Gurveen Dhaliwal | |||
Trustee | Marc Andres | |||
Trustee | Maya Russell |